Friday, June 13, 2008


Saya minta maaf kepada pengunjung. site ini akan diolah semula nanti. diharap tidak ada yang membaling tin-tin kosong dan batu bata kepada tuan punya blog..thanks:D


Hmmm virus sekarang dah canggih dan semakin menakutkan...The GPCODE virus used high encyption of RSA as much as 1024 bit of encryption..
Jadi hari ini apakata aku cerita tentang apa tu encryption...
tapi sebelum tu kita tengok kesan virus ini ialah dia akan infect file-file jenis ni dahulu:

selepas itu file tersebut akan dienkripsi menggunakan RSA 1024 bit encryption.
sekiranya file tersebut mahu didekripsi semula, maka virus tersebut juga ada menawarkan kunci dekripsi tetapi dengan harga tertentu yang akan kemudian dihantar kepada pembuat virus tersebut...canggih tul...
Apakah enkripsi atau encryption itu?secara mudahnye buat masa sekarang yang perlu korang tau ialah ianya merupakan suatu teknik menulis sesuatu secara hidden atau tak nampak...misalnya zaman dahulu sekiranya seorang raja itu mahu menghantar maklumat kepada wakilnya, maka raja tersebut akan memberikan surat tersebut kepada orang suruhan utk menghantar dalam bahasa berlainan yang sudah dienkripsi.misalnya huruf "A" diganti menjadi "1",huruf "S" menjadi "3" dan huruf "Y" menjadi "5".sekiranya ingin menulis perkataan "SAYA" didalam bentuk enkripsi ialah "3151"... nah be continue

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Okay pal..(sorry for my bad grammar..hihi)for today tutorial i would love to tell all of you about LINUX. What is LINUX?? Okay, that has always had been my colleague's question. The first thing that we should know is that LINUX is an operating system such as windows XP, VISTA, ME and all of WINDOWS family. To be an operating system the operating system wannabe must have at least this certification multi task (to do many works in the same time) and multi user (to have many users in the same time). But let me tell you this...LINUX is totally different things. It is different from windows. LINUX as what can i describe is, it is more powerful and more stable, safer than viruses, it didn't have a blue screen of death such as windows, have a free source code that LINUX community shared together. The secret things i want to tell you is LINUX are hacker's weapon! Don't be panic. By the word "hacker" i mean is the experts and geniuses in computer. Learn LINUX today and you won't regret it.
When i said LINUX... i mean is GNU/LINUX. Why is it had to be like that?What is GNU anyway?Actually LINUX was just a kernel. The kernel are the heart of LINUX operating system. GNU actually was the application software that is running above the kernel. The kernel and the GNU application software must work together to be an operating system and to do the jobs needed. The GNU project had been launched since 1984 to achieve 1 challenge the UNIX operating system. For your knowledge GNU kernel wasn't finished yet so they worked together with the LINUX kernel. So who developed the LINUX kernel?
Linus Torvalds was the real hacker behind this scene. He had created LINUX kernel when he was studying in the University of Helsinki. His interest in computers began with a Commodore VIC-20. After the VIC-20 he purchased a Sinclair QL which he modified extensively, especially its operating system. He programmed an assembler and a text editor for the QL, as well as a few games. He is known to have written a Pac-Man clone named Cool Man. In 1990 he purchased an Intel 80386-based IBM PC and spent a few weeks playing the game Prince of Persia before receiving his MINIX copy which in turn enabled him to begin his work on Linux.
LINUS then got interested in Unix operating system...and what i can say is LINUX is a clone of Unix and moreover it is more powerful because programmers around the world are working together fixing bugs and develop its capabilities over and over..
Why did Linus attracted to Unix? It is because Unix was a powerful operating system back in 70's. Then there are many things happened....maybe i will tell later such as the history of the SHELL in LINUX...not SHELL in stesyen minyak alrite:D
hmm arini tengah pening...selepas lama tengok tentang isu sekuriti ini aku rasa terlalu banyak yang aku tak tau...assembler,exploit,mysql,php dan sebagainyeee....ish ish...sempat dak aku blajar...anyway what's important is that we do everything for Allah...
actually aku rasa aku jumpe bug dalam laman web ikim...better to tell the admin la....:-?
so selepas beberapa hari aku berfikir rasanya i want to tell people to learn linux in english...because i want to earn some revenu:D google ad sense la..hihi